Folder Legislation

Legislation presented here are the Acts of Parliament directly used by the Ministry. The versions of these Acts include all amendments approved by Parliament, however, these versions should not be relied upon for legal matters, and for conclusive advice on the current and accurate versions of these Acts, please contact the Attorney General’s Chamber.


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pdf Civil Aviation (Amendment) Act 2009 ( pdf, 6.28 MB ) (1322 downloads) Popular
pdf Civil Aviation Act 2008 ( pdf, 1.01 MB ) (4440 downloads) Popular
pdf Direction Under Section 100 of the Civil Aviation Act 2008 ( pdf, 423 KB ) (1493 downloads) Popular
pdf Public Financial Management Act 2013 ( pdf, 1.88 MB ) (2702 downloads) Popular
pdf Public Service Act 1988 ( pdf, 1.27 MB ) (2668 downloads) Popular
pdf Telecommunications Act 2009 ( pdf, 6.55 MB ) (2211 downloads) Popular
pdf The Solomon Islands Postal Corporation Act 1996 ( pdf, 1.23 MB ) (1949 downloads) Popular
pdf The Television (Amendment) Act 1996 ( pdf, 4.17 MB ) (1054 downloads) Popular
pdf The Television Act 1995 ( pdf, 802 KB ) (1559 downloads) Popular

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