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Official Press Statements and news updates from the Ministry of Communication and Aviation are issued by The Corporate Service’s Human Resources Unit. This is done in consultation with the Permanent Secretary of the MCA.

The Ministry of Communication and Aviation on Friday 31st May, 2024 organised a farewell and welcome reception to farewell the Ministry’s outgoing Minister, Honourable Peter Shanel Agovaka and Permanent Secretary, Moses Virivolomo and to officially welcome its new Minister, Honourable Fredrick Kologeto and Permanent Secretary, Alwyn Danitofea.

The occasion was held purposely to have the new Minister, Hon. Kologeto introducing himself to the Staff of MCA and also for the Ministry to convey acknowledgement and appreciation for the great work, commitment and leadership that the outgoing Minister, Hon. Peter Shanel and Permanent Secretary, Mr. Virivolomo respectively rendered to the Ministry of Communication and Aviation over the last eight years or so. The staff of MCA used the occasion to also formally congratulate Mr. Danitofea, who formerly was the Director for the Ministry’s Communication Division taking up his new role as Permanent Secretary.

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