The AvSec Division has adopted the Ministry of Communication and Aviation’s (MCA) Strategic Goal 5 as its overall objective.

The goal aims to: “Improve security procedures with systems and capacitate human resources that will deliver safety, security and protection of the entire civil aviation operations against unlawful inferences.”

The strategic goal aims to enable AvSec to improve its performance as mandated under the Civil Aviation Act and ICAO’s Annex 17 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).

In achieving its strategic goals and mandates, the Division has outlined 5 objectives and supporting programmes that it aims to achieve in the medium time frame and they include:

  1. Upgrade and improve security infrastructure and systems that will facilitate safe, secure and efficient civil aviation operations;
  2. Ensure review of policy and operational guidelines and manuals that facilitates improved security performance;
  3. Develop human resources capabilities that meet the required standards to perform the security operational requirements of Aviation Security operations;
  4. Implement Performance Management and Audit and;
  5. Improve partnership with key stakeholders and other service providers in delivering the mandates and functions of AVSEC.

The supporting programmes to these objectives include:

  1. Establish Operating Procedures and Guidelines- Developing Standard Operating Procedure, Develop Emergency plans and Exercise;
  2. Aviation Security Personnel Capacity Building and Development;
  3. Maintenance of the AvSec equipment;
  4. Monitor, maintenance and configuration of AvSec specialised screening equipment (X-ray, walk- thru machines, Conveyer system);
  5. Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) and;
  6. Stakeholder Partnership and management.


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